BIOCOMPIG pellets Ongoing analysis of Biocompig pellets with 90% dm

Eurofins Agro

Eurofins Agro Our products are tested by Eurofins Agro

Biological products

BIOCOMPIG supplies 2 types of organic biological fertiliser pellets that fully comply with all relevant statutory standards. This enables us to supply the whole of the agricultural and horticultural sectors with high quality products.

Our products are tested by Eurofins Agro.

  • WINPHOS BIO 3-5-2 u.a.b.

    WINPHOS BIO 3/5/2 u.a.b. NFU 42001 CLASSE 6 TYPE 12

    Organic soil conditioner obtained by fractionation of pig slurry and animal and vegetable matter.

    Agronomic values
    Stable organic matter (ISMO)= 55% or 350 kg humus per tonne applied.
    The phosphorus and potassium are 90% assimilable.

  • WINKIP BIO 4-3-3 u.a.b.

    WINKIP BIO : 4/3/3 u.a.b.

    Organic fertiliser in 5 mm pellets derived from dried poultry manure
    Originating from farms which meet organic farming standards with Ecocert certification.

    Agronomic values
    Contains 650 kg organic matter per tonne.
    The phosphorus and potassium are 90% assimilable.
    Nitrogen mineralisation occurs at 80 to 90 days depending on the application date.

  • New

    WINTERRA BIO 13-0-0

    Areas of application: vegetables · fruit trees · vineyards · citrus · strawberries · arboriculture
    • Pellets size 4-5 mm, bulk density: 650-750 (g/ltr)
    • Packing: 25 kg bags, big bags (all sizes), bulk
    • Organic N fertilizer; NPK 13-0-0
    • Product is made of animal and vegetal raw materials
    • 100% natural , no chemical or other additives
    • High percentage of stable organic matter
    • Free from pathogens and weed seeds
    • Low in chlorine
    • Produced in conformity with 1069/2009/EEC
    • Allowed to be used for ecological growing (EU 834/2007, 889/2008)
    Due to the natural origin of the raw materials analysis may vary.

  • New

    WINTERRA BIO 11-1-2

    Areas of application: vegetables · fruit trees · vineyards · citrus · strawberries · arboriculture
    • Pellets size 4-5 mm, bulk density: 500-300 (kg/m3)
    • Packing: 25 kg bags, big bags (all sizes), bulk
    • Organic N fertilizer; NPK 11-0-0
    • Product is made of animal and vegetal raw materials
    • 100% natural , no chemical or other additives
    • High percentage of stable organic matter
    • Free from pathogens and weed seeds
    • Low in chlorine
    • Produced in conformity with 1069/2009/EEC
    • Allowed to be used for ecological growing (EU 834/2007, 889/2008)
    Due to the natural origin of the raw materials of this fertilizer analysis may vary.

  • New

    WINTERRA BIO 4-10-2

    Areas of application: vegetables · fruit trees · vineyards · citrus · strawberries · arboriculture
    • Pellets size 4-5 mm, bulk density: 650-750 (g/ltr)
    • Packing: 25 kg bags, big bags (all sizes), bulk
    • Organic N fertilizer; NPK 4-10-2
    • Product is made of animal and vegetal raw materials
    • 100% natural , no chemical or other additives
    • High percentage of stable organic matter
    • Free from pathogens and weed seeds
    • Low in chlorine
    • Produced in conformity with 1069/2009/EEC
    • Allowed to be used for ecological growing (EU 834/2007, 889/2008)
    Due to the natural origin of the raw materials analysis may vary.

  • WINCHAMP BIO 2-1-4 u.a.b.

    WINCHAMP BIO 2/1/4 u.a.b. NFU 42001 CLASSE 6 TYPE12

    Engrais organique provenant du traitement du Légume Biologique
    Issue d'élevage respectant les normes de l'agriculture biologique certifié Ecocert.

    Valeurs agronomiques
    650 kg de matière organique par tonne
    Phosphore et potasse assimilable à 80%
    Minéralisation de l'azote est de 60 jours selon la date d'épandage


  • New

    WINCHAMP BIO 4-3-3 u.a.b.

    WINCHAMP - BIO 4/3/3 u.a.b. NFU 42001 CLASSE 6 TYPE12

    Engrais organique provenant du traitement du Légume Biologique

    Valeurs agronomiques
    650 kg de matière organique par tonne
    Phosphore et potasse assimilable à 80%
    Minéralisation de l'azote est de 60 jours selon la date d'épandage


  • WINSECT BIO 3-3-3

    WINSECT - BIO /3/3/3 NFU 42001 CLASSE 6 TYPE 12

    Engrais organique provenant du traitement du lisier de Insectes(vers)

    Valeurs agronomiques 800 kg de matière organique par tonne
    Phosphore et potasse assimilable à 80%
    Minéralisation de l'azote est de 60 jours selon la date d'épandage. Vanwege de natuurlijke oorsprong van de grondstoffen van deze meststof kan de analyse variëren.

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